It's A Woman Thing

Is It Time For A Promotion?

You've been putting in the long hours, the extra work, taking work home. You landed a big account, or you have been doing an outstanding job on an existing account. You came up with a new product or service that your company can market, and now your ready to be rewarded.

Is it time for a promotion? Yes.

*Prepare your case before asking for a promotion or raise.

*Write a report about yourself, listing your most recent accomplishments.

*Do NOT exaggerate....your boss will know.

*Memorize your report and the speech you are going to make to your boss.

*Set up an appointment with your boss to discuss your job performance.

*If you have a yearly evaluation coming up soon, it will be best to wait until then to discuss a promotion.

*When you meet with your boss, don't waste his/her time. Come to the point, give your speech in a clear, strong voice.

*Look your boss in the eye at all times. *

At the end of the meeting, be sure to thank your boss for his/her time, for listening, and for their consideration.

*Don't hound your boss for a decision, but if nothing has been said or done in regards to your promotion, you might briefly inquire if he/she has thought about what you said at your last meeting.

*If your boss turns you down for the promotion, you have options. You can either wait a while and try again, give up completely (not recommended), or start looking for a job where your hard work and efforts might be appreciated.

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