It's A Woman Thing

Get Your Resume In Shape!

Even if you have a great job that you love, with a salary fit for a princess and fantastic benefits to add icing to the proverbial should check to see if your resume is current. Doing this now will save you time if or when you lose your job, quit your job, or just plain get sick of your job. Your resume will only need the ending date of your present employment typed on it....and it is ready to go!

When updating your resume, be sure to add your present job, along with any skills you have acquired at that job. Also list any additions to your education since the last update. Make sure your personal references are still up to par...did you have a fight with Mary? Better not use her as a personal reference then.

Also, rewrite your personal comments. Afterall, you have grown in many ways since the last update. Your thoughts and views may have changed, and your new personal comments need to reflect those changes.

After re-writing your resume, have a friend or family member look it over, check it for typos, unclear statements, poor grammar, etc. Make your corrections, and if or when the time comes, fill in the ending date of your present employment, get the copies made, and start mailing and faxing away!

It is a good idea to update your resume at least once every year, to reflect the changes and accomplishments you have made.

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