It's A Woman Thing


Taekwon-do is a modern, international martial art based on over 2,000 years of Korean tradition. Literally, Taekwon-do means the "way of the hand and foot," an accurate description since Taekwon-do practitioners are equally adept with hand strikes and kicking techniques.

As a relatively modern martial art, Taekwon-do includes an advanced understanding of human physiology. Great attention is given to proper positioning of feet and joints so as to deliver strong techniques without injuring oneself. Such considerations are not as common in older martial arts and knee or back injuries often result. In Taekwon-do, students who already have bad knees or backs should see an improvement after even a few months of practice.

Although Taekwon-do provides effective self-defense skills, many people today study it for other benefits, among them cardiovascular fitness, increased mental energy and greater self-discipline. It is an efficient and stimulating way to stay fit, and something the whole family can do together. As you progress in Taekwon-do, you also discover that the mental and emotional balance required to excel in Taekwon-do carries over into your daily life, helping you focus and cope with the problems you may face.

The School of Traditional Taekwon-do teaches this martial art with the emphasis on the art. That is the traditional approach. There also is a newer, sport Taekwon-do, that is almost always full-contact and is predominantly oriented toward tournament competition. Our schools emphasize non-contact sparring. We believe that executing a fast, strong technique and pulling it just short of your opponent's face or body is a higher achievement than pummeling your opponent. The skills required for non-contact sparring represent the ultimate purpose of martial arts, which is to bring the mind and body into harmony.

If you are interested in studying taekwon-do, you should see the website for the source of this information at:

Source: Taekwon-do: Modern & Traditional

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